Ryan Keyes For Otay Water Board
Stop the Waste!
Stop the Waste!
Ryan Keyes For Otay Water Board
Stop the Waste!
Stop the Waste!
With inflation the price of everything is going up causing economic stress amongst all the rate payers. Despite the economic turmoil the Otay Water Board voted on a 12.8% water rate increase. Ryan was the only Board Member to vote “No.” Now is the time to think outside of the box and make hard decisions to provide relief for the rate payers.
Ryan brings 20 years of experience in the utility industry. He uses his experience to fight and ensure rate payer money is spent appropriately. His motto: “All utilities needs to be Respectful of Rate Payer Money”
Everyone recognizes the price of energy continues to rise dramatically. Ryan is actively looking at ways for Otay to generate energy internally. The more energy that can be internally generated the less energy need to be purchased from the utility.
High costs affect everybody, regardless of political party or of no political party. Ryan’s goal is to provide safe clean water at an affordable price.
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Paid for by Keyes for Water District 2024, ID 1432492